Action at Oberickelsheim - Part V - the battle begins
and Aaron got to my place at 9 in the morning. After running through
the scenario rules with them, they plotted their orders on their maps;
together this took up the next hour - Aaron had actually formulated a
plan the night before, only to discover in the morning that he hadn't
noticed the page detailing the objectives and victory points associated
with them, and thus proceeded to rewrite his entire attack plan! Of
course Pat had a much bigger job here, with so many more units. So turn
one (0630 game time) started at 10 o'clock in real time.
Turn 1: the scene is set |
To the left you can see how the finished battlefield
looked. I had run out of time the previous night making up woods -
there are rather few of them on the board, and those that are there
aren't finished yet. C'est la vie. The river wasn't also finished
properly - the water surface needs smoothing out, painting properly (so
the centre is darker than the edges), and then needs to be given a more
glossy varnish. Still, I can't say I'm unhappy with the overall
result. Of course, with so much time invested in making the stuff, I
have a vested interested in saying so! But Pat said he'd have been
perfectly happy being just a photographer all day, looking at the spectacle of the thing,
so that was nice to hear.
The scenario rules called
for a rain check (6 to turn on rain, 6 to turn off rain) not every turn,
but every moving phase, so twice a turn in other words. A single
phase's rain would turn freshly ploughed fields (the darkest brown ones)
into mud after a single player's movement; it would take three phases'
worth of rain to turn all the other ploughed fields (light shades of
brown) into mud. Rain would also stop all aviation, of course; this
being 1979, all-weather aircraft are a thing of the future.
available air assets were some ragtag fixed-wing stuff (the
Czechoslovakians were still flying some MiG-15s at this date!), plus a
single flight of helicopters: a stand of Mi-4 Hound Bs armed with light
rockets, so fine against infantry, but no good against armour, paired
with a stand of Hind-Ds - the Czechoslovakian military had only just
procured their first MSH stand's worth of Hinds by this time. All in
all, more of a nuisance than a threat. So overall, Aaron's air assets
were the more formidable, despite not including any helicopters at all.
Turn 2 - like 18th century naval lines |
As it turned out, rain started falling on the very
first check, so the freshly ploughed fields had turned to mud before the
end of the first turn. This was going to complicate Pat's tactics more
than Aaron's. Except for a few jeeps, the American force was entirely
tracked, and while mud would slow them down, it wouldn't halt them
completely. In contrast, half of the Czechoslovakian force was
wheeled, and thus fast on firm ground, but they couldn't handle the mud
at all. Initially, however, this wasn't much of a concern - there
weren't so many freshly ploughed fields around, after all, and at the
start of the second turn it stopped raining, anyway, alleviating the
worry. With the rain ceasing planes were potentially soon available...
but the advanced recon forces had yet to spot each other, as their paths
had unknowingly turned somewhat parallel to each other, just out of
spotting distance, or were screened by low rises and hedges.
Turn 3 - enemy? What enemy! |
The weather held out during the third turn, but since the recce forces
hadn't spotted each other, the pilots were still on the ground. At
least some combat formation troops were now making their way onto the
field. You can see the first battalions of both OT-64 equipped motor
rifle regiments snaking the way along the roads; 1/68 to the fore, 1/51
further away. And it is possible - but only just - to see a stand from
the regimental recon company of the 62nd Motor Rifle Regiment about to
enter a village on the far board, presaging the arrival of 1/62
battalion next turn (the other two stands are already in the village).
Crap! It's them! |
Now on the fourth turn, things got more interesting.
The recon forces finally found each other. It's something of a crap
shoot in my experience when this happens - somebody has the initiative,
somebody doesn't. Somebody has the wrong kind of element out in front
for what the other guys has, somebody doesn't. In this case, first
blood went to the Czechoslovakian 15th, as their lead element sported a
73 mm main armament, while that of the 3/7th had a 12.7 mm HMG... But
that wasn't the interesting thing. The rain kicked in again, so no one
was going to be bringing any aircraft to help in this particular portion of the fight.
More amusingly, two of Pat's OT-64 stands from 1/51 Battalion where
half-way across a not-so recently ploughed field, and before they made
it to the other side, it had turned to mud, and they were bogged! Just
what I had hoped might happen when I made the weather rules up, but I
never expected it to actually happen. Ah, umpires, they're evil, I tell
you :-) So Pat was left with a choice: abandon the APCs and slog
forward on foot (it was a complete company that was bogged, so that was a
viable choice), or wait for the battalion's ARV section to reach them
and tow them out. He chose the latter, as it wasn't far away, but he
probably would have saved time overall by just marching forward on foot.